Sunday 25 November 2007

Quality audit - ideology responsible for the missing disc?

Those missing discs. It seems that the discs have to travel in order to fulfil requirements from a national quality audit process. In other words, it is already part of a process that has been removed from the reality of the data and the discs. The layer of bureaucracy created by the audit process creates a false world of pure signification, where grown men and women behave as if the mere following of pre-written rules is enough to judge whether something is going well or not. The removal of something real from the process can easily lead to problems. In the old days, when unions were active, there used to be something called 'work to rule', where the union members did everything according to the rule book. This strategy soon brought everything to its knees, and forced people (managers) to acknowledge that there was something beyond the formal rules. This old strategy of resistance has become the new norm of practice - and it is having a similar effect.


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